The Exercise Bike is an indoor piece of equipment that simulates the action of cycling.
It is very popular in gyms and can be purchased for home use. You can use the bike to get a great cardiovascular workout. It’s a low impact machine which means that there is less stress placed on your joints when exercising.
Exercise bikes have the advantage of being smaller than other cardiovascular machines such as a treadmill, or elliptical trainer.
Exercise bikes can help you to get the maximum benefit from your workout within the time available. When you’re on the bike you are in control of your session. You can repeat a session and compare your performances.
The bike provides you with a cardiovascular workout and engages the major muscles of your legs.
Most good exercise bikes have the following features:
- Variable resistance levels
- Console that displays elapsed time, distance, revs per minute, calories burned, power output
- Pre-programmed workouts
- Heart rate monitoring
- Adjustable seat
- Pedals with adjustable toe straps